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An AI-powered chatbot to help you undertsand security, privacy, and data protection compliance standards, such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, and GDPR.

Learning about cybersecurity and privacy standards is hard…

Are you a B2B startup manager or a professional preparing for certification programs such as CISSP, CISA, or ISO 27001 Lead Auditor? We feel your pain. Textbooks and long standards specification PDF files are not practical for learning, let alone for quick reference checks. ChatGPT is an exciting new resource, but it's all too often not good enough for clear, reliable answers about compliance topics (and last trained on 2021 web scrapings, prior to the latest standards updates).

So we created complianceGPT

A specially trained AI answer-bot that is grounded upon 100% authoritative sources covering security, privacy, and data protection standards. We've focused on the official publications from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants for the SOC 2 compliance standard, the International Organization for Standardization for the ISO 27001 standard, and the European Union for its published GDPR regulations.


These companies believe in us.

BlockSurvey Badhouse Ventures buildspace

complianceGPT is made by ComplyAce,
a startup based in Vancouver, Canada.